Home > Advanced Technology Development Centre
The Advanced Technology Centre (ATC) is an interdisciplinary research centre created in 1998 by combining the Microelectronics Centre and Integrated Optics Laboratory of Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering Department. The Semiconductor Laser Lab of the Material Science Centre, the Microscience Lab of Physics, Department and Fibre Optics Characterisation lab of CRF. The areas of strength are microelectronics technology, MEMS, Microsystems, Optoelectronics and integrated optics.?Infrastructure includes Mask Making and Photolithography facility, Ion beam, UHV EB and RF Magnetron System, MOCVD Reactor, MBE System, DEKTAK Surface Profilometer, Integrated Optics Test Bench, Optical Fiber Characterisation Facility.??
Prof. Tarun Kanti Bhattacharyya
Head of the
Contact (Head)
Phone: +91-3222-82228
Email : tkb@ece.iitkgp.ac.in